
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ithaca, New York and WIAW

I am in Ithaca, New York this week. Ithaca is gorges. I never really understood this. I think it is hilly but I have yet to see any of the gorges. Maybe I am in the wrong spot. 

Have you ever seen the movie, I don't know how She Does it? with Sarah Jessica Parker. Well, in it she travels for work and at one point her husband asks her how was a trip. Her response was, Airport, Taxi, Meetings, Restaurant, Hotel, Meetings, Taxi, Airport. I drove the whole way here but that is very descriptive of many of my trips. There isn't much time for fun.

We did find some great meals in Ithaca but I have been very bad about photographing my meals.  The first night we went to Moosewood know the people that make the famous vegetarian cookbook?  It was good but the menu was very limited, as in only 4 entrees to pick from. Good thing my coworker was a good sport.  We ended up having delicious meals.  But that is not what this post is about.... instead I give you...

I will warn you in advance that my poor little meals didn't include many veggies. And the most veggie filled meal I forgot to take a picture.  Sigh.  Its OK though we can play imagination.

Breakfast at the wonderful Hampton Inn.  Its no smoothie but I got coffee with skim milk, a bowl of oatmeal with 1/4c of raisin bran on top.  1/2 a banana and some peanut butter. Not bad but I still was starving by 11am.  Nothing is more embarrassing than having your stomach growl very loudly in a room full of men.

This is my lunch.  We have been eating at the Ithaca Bakery every day. I could go here every day for a month and still be happy getting a different meal each day.  They have about 50 sandwich options, paninis and cold, vegetarian and meat, all loaded with delicious cheese and veggies.  The picture we need to imagine now is a cup of roasted red pepper corn chowder, a slice of homemade bread and a side salad with 1 hard boiled egg.  Yum, yum, and yum!

For dessert and to help avoid a growling stomach at 3pm I got a chai latte to sip for the afternoon.  

Now for dinner, I feel like such a hypocrite after yesterdays do not go out to eat on Valentine's Day.   We had to go out and the few restaurants we like to frequent here didn't take reservations.  The first place was a 70 minute wait.  No thank you.  The second place was downtown and we could find a parking spot within a mile.  We decided that we weren't thrilled with the idea of a long walk without knowing whether or not it would actually end with a table waiting for us.  Instead we ended up here.

Wegman's grocery store has a wonderful Market Cafe where you can pretty much find anything your heart can desire. This is kind of a special treat because there is no Wegman's close to me.  My coworker loves it too.  You wouldn't believe the amount of people there eating too.  Guess it is a favorite for Valentine's Day for others as well.

I ended up with a very random, veggieless plate of beige food.  I apologize for the lack of color.  I got some noodles, Brussels sprouts, risotto cake, shrimp dumplings, creamed coconut kale (sounded better than it tasted) and ....

A tuna sushi roll.  This wasn't my finest meal moment but it hit the spot after a long day.  

And that is my What I Ate Wednesday for this week.  What are you eating today?


  1. Sometimes when traveling for work, it can be hit an miss when it comes to places to eat. However, the bakery does sound like the place to be-nothing like a big variety to choose from after that stop to Moosewood! Hope the rest of your week in Ithaca is filled with better dining experiences.

  2. I used to live in Ithaca for awhile a LONG time ago! I loved that place! There are so many cool places to hike and some incredible food. I hope you get a little free time to enjoy it!

  3. nice post


  4. WEGMAN'S <3
    I live in Upstate NY, very close to Ithaca actually. In fact that may be the exact Wegman's I frequent!

  5. Today I am eating fruit and salad after indulging on Italian food, chocolates and cake for Valentine's Day ;)

  6. I LOVE ithaca, my family is from up there and I go every summer, we have a house on the lake. I also love that wegmans, wish I had a 24 hour one near me :/

    To get to the gorges, you have to go a little outside the main town of Ithaca. Plenty of awesome wine tasting if you have time :)

  7. Thanks for sharing! Finding good food when away from home can be difficult!

  8. It makes me smile that so many people enjoy Ithaca. I hope some day I can come back in the summer.


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