
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

It is the one day a year that I don't find public displays of affection completely 100% annoying. Mr. J and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day.  I only really ask for a card.  In the past we have had some gigantic fails when it comes to celebrating on the actual day.  Way back in college when we were still dating we waited a very, very long time in a restaurant where we had a reservation. I was so mad I told him I wanted to leave thinking we would absolutely be able to find another restaurant without waiting.  I was wrong.  An hour later I was still without food.  I was grumpy.  We drove an hour back to my parent's house and I think they made us burgers.  

Another night we went to a fancy restaurant but were put in the back room, in the corner; I honestly think this space was normally only used in the summertime.  It was freezing.  We were surrounded by high schoolers, but this time around we weren't in high school.  The service was horrendous too.

I think at this point we learned our lesson. Now we celebrate at home.  Just the two of us.  We are responsible for the setting, the food, and the service.  Boy, we do a good job. 

This year we are going to be about 300 miles apart.  Good thing it is just another day.  :)

As for flowers, I have only gotten flowers from Mr. J once.  It was about 5 years ago for 4th of July.  They were pretty.  I love flowers around the house but I always get sad when they die.  Lately I haven't been around enough to enjoy them anyway.  As with all things I don't understand why for one or two days the prices get jacked up so much for the holiday.  

I planned ahead and told Mr. J that I found this bowl online I liked.  I bought it and told him it was my Valentine's Day gift from him.  He wasn't a big fan of this plan.  Isn't it cute?

Wishing that all of you can spend some time with those you love. How will you celebrate


  1. Ooh I like the bowl! I've spent so many Valentine's with my husband deployed that I stopped caring about Valentine's Day a long time ago. Hope you get to at least enjoy your bowl today and that your husband will be home soon!

  2. The bowl is a very cool item, definitely unique! While your hubby is not there, I know that there will be lots of celebrating on his return. I am not really fond of the calendar telling us when it is time to celebrate anyway. We all can channel our own fun whenever, with or without a fancy meal out!

  3. Happy valentine day

  4. Aww, I am sorry you are apart! But the bowl is pretty and I wish you a happy Valentine's Day, anyways!

  5. Love, love, LOVE the bowl! I like how you got your present! Honey Bunny and I spend the day very non-traditionally. No cards (I used to be a Hallmark Rep - I've seen them ALL) and we are all about company and conversation. We go to a fast food restaurant because there are NO crowds and we can sit together and TALK! We just love it! No pressure, just good company! Happy Valentines Day!

  6. My husband is out of town this Valentine's Day too. I wonder if I bought myself shoes and claimed they were his gift to me, he'd be upset too? :) Hope you enjoyed your day!

  7. Great bowl and I hope the hubby is home soon. I do happen to like Valentine's Day but I share your restaurant philosophy. We don't need to be crowded and overcharged because it's a holiday so we celebrate happily at home. Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. We aren't big Valentine's celebrators either. We are so good and making a production out of dinner every night (not always on purpose) that we just make something more special and crack open a bottle of wine. Last night was no was a good day. Hope you had a wonderful day and sorry you've been away from the hubs.

  9. We gave up going out on Valentin's Day a while back for the same reasons you did. When Adam is ready for dinner he is NOT going to wait for an hour no matter how good the restaurant clams to be and his generally sweet disposition turns very grumpy very fast. Not a plan for a romantic evening. Love the bowl!

  10. I like the bowl!! We aren't huge Valentine's Day people either. No real bad experiences, it just seems so forced. Not really "us" Not that we have a kid, it really isn't that big of a deal. It is kind of nice to actually see each other for the day though. Stop traveling so much for work!

  11. We don't like to go out either. We went for a nice dinner over the weekend to avoid the crowds and then we just had a 3 course fondue dinner last night at home! Nothing crazy!


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