
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day Gifts

I wouldn't say I am particularly fond of Valentine's Day. I only really ever want a card, which I suppose is very Hallmark of me.  I will take any excuse to have an extra dose of chocolate.  This year though I seem to be struck by some very cute heart things.  I cannot help but smile.

Note cards from

What have you seen for Valentine's Day that makes you smile?


  1. yes, very lovely things - they made me smile too - I'm signing up to follow!
    mary x

  2. Those cookies are too cute!! That's the kind of stuff I love of Valentine's Day!! Hope your day is extra sweet and special!! :)

  3. Love those envelope cookies! Wish I had room enough in my kitchen for more cute bowls, etc :)

  4. These cookies are my favorite. Very clever! Also, the bowls are a great find too. Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

  5. The note cards are adorable! Honey Bunny and I don't celebrate Valentines in the traditional sense, but I adore all the pink and red popping up everywhere!

  6. very clever gift and idea..that's really what i was looking for to use for the design of Gift Card envelopes.


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