
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Edition: Getting Things Done

This weekend was something else.  I thought long and hard about what I should write. This could have been a very long it would have been boring with no pictures.  Instead I decided to keep it short and sweet, but still no pictures.

  1. Friday night I was in a car accident.  A young girl came out of a one-way road going the wrong direction. She didn't stop and pulled out into a main road.  She had at least 4 other people with her.  She had recently gotten her license and was only allowed to have family members in the car.  I was able to slam on my brakes fast enough that the damage was minor.  Everyone was alright.   I should be grateful for this...and I am.  I am also peeved.  This makes me think that the driving age should be 21. 
  2. Mr. J is in Alaska for work.  He has been gone for more days than I would like. He was not home when I got in said accident.  I couldn't even call him because there is a 4 hour time difference.  This is the longest we have been apart since we were married and I do not like it one bit. I always considered myself very independent.  Now I am reconsidering.
  3. Being alone makes me want to do three things:
    1. Clean
    2. Bake
    3. Shop
  4. This weekend I did all three.
  5. I was too cheap to go out and buy a mop so I decided with all my alone time I could just use a bucket and sponge to wash the kitchen floor.  Very Cinderella of me I think.  I had on pants and my knees still hurt.  The creators should have known better than to put her in a dress.  The kitchen tiles look amazing.
  6. While shopping I had a panic attack in the dressing room when a dress came on but I couldn't get it off.  It had one of those stupid side zippers.  I got it over my head and shoulders before realizing it was not going to go any further. Apparently I have very manly shoulders because it would not go back over them.  It took about 10 minutes and a few tears before I managed to shimmy one shoulder out and then the other.  Having a back zipper would have alleviated this problem.  The dress was super cute too!
OK, I am done.

In case you missed it this is what I was up to last week:
Sausage, Kale, and Sweet Potato Soup: This was my favorite recipe this week.
Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake: I couldn't get enough of this cake. I think I had more than my fair share of stomaches from eating too much at once.

Rules of Civility: Great book


  1. I'm glad you're ok! :(

    I've got stuck in clothes so many times haha. Never fails to make me panic and picture myself stuck in them forever...

  2. I am just weird enough that I have actually had dreams about getting stuck in clothes. I remember feeling very panicked in the dream so I can identify lol.

    Glad you're ok with the car accident!

  3. So glad to hear you're ok after that accident!

    Your post made me laugh though about you getting stuck in your dress! I had that same thing happen and I was terrified I was going to have to buy the stupid dress (it was way more than I could afford and I was just trying it on for fun...oops!)

  4. Oh, Emily! I'm SO sorry you had such a time of it! I'm relieved that you and the others are okay, but still....

    HUGS to you.....and I bet the floor DOES look amazing!

  5. Your post made me laugh, thank you, needed that today! :) And I tagged you in a post of mine, hope you don't mine ...

  6. Glad you are okay after your accident...always scary (and annoying). My hubs and I have had several lengthy stints apart and it always sucks. And, like you said, is a blow to my super independent woman ego because all I want is for him to be near. Hope he gets home soon!
    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  7. Glad that you're OK after the accident but I know it can be very disconcerting. I've been "stuck" in garments a few times and my feeling is that if manufacturers put zippers in strange places, they deserve to have a few of their clothes ripped. Stay positive :)

  8. Oh goodness, Emily! First, I am so glad that you are okay! I hate teen drivers. I often get really worked about it bc even as a grad student nearing 30, I still have to park in the student garages and those kids can't drive!!

    I hate when my husband goes out of town too, but when he does, I'm with you! I love to bake, shop, and clean (and watch trashy tv!). Sometimes ya gotta get on the floor to give it a good cleaning!

    I hope this week gets better!

  9. Hi Emily! First of all I'm glad you were safe. Any kind of car accident is scary and it's even though when you are all alone with so much emotions inside. My husband often travels for work domestic and international and it's tough... After turning 30 several years ago, I stopped mopping the floor. My back will never become straight after mopping floors! And zipper story...I've done it before too. I sweat (sorry to the store!) and my tear came down when I finally got out of the clothes! I hope your week will start off great. :-)

  10. My husband is out of town a lot for work, and you hit #3 spot on for me! What else is a girl to do?

    ...sorry to hear about the car accident :(

  11. Oh gosh! I'm so sorry about your accident but glad you're ok! My sister was in a similar accident a few weeks ago. She was on a country road and some young teen tried to over-take a truck and he ran straight into my sister (who was driving the other direction). Luckily they were both ok. Some people can be so stupid eh?

  12. Oh no! I am glad you're okay - how scary, and how annoying!

  13. I'm glad you're okay Em--I am so scared of getting in a real accident, like with another car.

    Oh, and I never commented on your comment from awhile ago; I'm glad you got such a good laugh from Colin's rendition of "Kiss the Girl."


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