
Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I am reading right now...

Between the travel and snow, I have read quite a bit since Christmas time. One of the books I read during this time was Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I was hooked as soon as I started.  

The book is actually pretty disturbing.  Its about a once happy couple that completely falls apart after several years of marriage and unexpected hardships. The book opens with the wife's disappearance.  The husband is immediately a suspect. 

The book is written switching back and forth between the wife's diary of their marriage over the years and the husband's current perspective of events during the investigation.  

The relationship between the two is twisted and disturbing, and I kept relating or not relating it to my marriage.  I raced to the end just to justify how different we are.  The crazy part is that although it is difficult to think people and relationships like this exist, the book is completely believable too.

I read this book after hearing everyone else talk about how crazy the plot is and they were right. The book is upwards of 400 pages but I don't think it took more than 3 days to read.

I just realized it was Valentine's Day and this is probably the most awful love story. Ever.  

Don't start this book today.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I read Gone Girl and loved it. I won't give anything away, but it doesn't end the way you expect. I'm listening to an audiobook by the same author while I run and holy crap she is good at disturbing literature. That's for sure.

  2. I couldn't get through that book! I know it's good, but it made me hate humanity lol

  3. You read some fantastic books!! Looks like another suspense thriller. :) Happy Valentine's Day!!


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