
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekend Edition: Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Despite the rainy,cold weather on Saturday Mr. J and I have been enjoying ourselves and eating lots of delicious foods.  (I managed to sneak in two free hours to watch Safe Haven)  Hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine brightly all day and we can go hiking for a bit. 

Do you have any holiday plans?

In case you missed it, here is what I was up to last week:



  1. Oh my gahh.. literally all of that looks so good. Especially the stuffed bread!

  2. I'm so behind...I missed all your excellent recipes this week :/ Hope you're having an excellent holiday weekend, Emily.

  3. Whoa, man. Those corn muffins look epic. I'm going to have to check out that recipe!

  4. That gelato looks so good! Unlike you, we've been having HOT HOT HOT weather here in I could totally use a bowl right now! I hope you had a lovely day, and that your day tomorrow is even better!

  5. mmmmm I'm still lovin those cookies....


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