
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Edition: Garden Updates

Do you see all of this lush greenness?  That means the weather has been cooperating a bit more this past week. Lots and lots of sunshine. 

Funny how last year the green beans would not grow at all.  This year they are the best looking plants out there. Those and the massive zucchini plant that has taken over. We better get some nice looking squash out of that sucker.

The tomatoes are just starting to poke out. We have four different varieties and I cannot wait to see which ones are the best.  The other bed is not so full but has lots and lots of herbs.  The parsley plant is now a bush. Made so many flavorful meals this weekend with fresh parsley.

It was great to be home this weekend and just rest. Mr. J and I tackled a few small home improvement projects. Can they be called home improvement if we rent?  Crazy how much you can do with $20 at Home Depot. We put up a new utility shelf for random "Man" things and an extra towel rod in the bathroom. We also changed out 3 light bulbs. Apparently it was time for them all to go out.

What were you up to this weekend?

In case you missed it here was what I was up to last week...


          1. OK that is way too awesome, I'm jealous of your garden-y goodness

          2. Your garden looks incredible! I thought our one tomato plant was doing well...then we went out of town for a week. Oops. And I'm drooling over your pulled pork nachos...yummy stuff.


          Thanks for leaving a message. I always love hearing your thoughts and comments.