
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekend Edition: Lately

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I mentioned last week that Monday and Tuesday were my company's annual meeting.  That meant non-stop people and meetings all day and into the evening. It was fun but exhausting.  Because of travel,etc. we were done at noon on Wednesday.  Woo Hoo!  

After I left work for the holiday I got a phone call from my boss.  This is not typically a good sign but this time he was saying we didn't have to come in on Friday either.  Double woo hoo!  Super long vacation!

Mr. J and I totally lived it up with all sorts of good eats. We did happy hour times 2.

We sampled a new taco joint down the road. 

I got a S'mores Blizzard.  Yes, they do make them. Yes, they are as good as you think they would be. 

We went to Ashlawn Farm on Saturday morning for their farmer's market.  If I had a dream place to live this would be it. It is the cutest New England farm.

Of course part of the dream would be to continue the amazing coffee and cafe.  We couldn't not get some coffee there. I got an iced latte.

More salad. It offset the S'mores Blizzard.

Grilled veggies from the farmer's market.  A first for us...grilled scallions.  Amazing!  Like I said we really lived it up the last five days.  Not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

In case you missed it here is what I was up to last week...


      1. Those tacos look fantastic.. it all looks fantastic. You have made me very hungry. :)


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