
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pancake Round Up

I have never been a huge fan of breakfast. At least not breakfast at the typical morning time. Pancakes however always have a spot in my heart (and belly).  Here are some of my favorites that I am currently dreaming about for this weekend.

Happy Thursday!

Elvis pancakes {bacon+banana+peanut butter+chocolate chips}

Raspberry Almond Pancakes


Carrot Cake Pancakes

Gingerbread Pancakes

Pumpkin Pancakes


coffee chocolate chip pancakes

 Blueberry and Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Strawberry Banana Pancakes





  1. yeeeeah pancakes! Yours look like they're from a restaurant, so great!

  2. Wow, these are great! I seem to only make plain or chocolate chip pancakes...and need to branch out. LIke Kayle, I thought these were photos from restaurants...all so lovely!

  3. Elvis... I have got to try it. :) They all look so fun.... you are unofficially the house of cool pancakes. :)


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