
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hump Day and WIAW

I am so happy that it is Wednesday. I am already for the weekend even though we might get a storm on Saturday. I guess I would rather have a storm on the weekend then have to deal with it on a work day. I see the couch, movies and PJs in my future.

I decided to switch up breakfast this week since we had some good bread on hand.  Hello Nutella!  One piece had Nutella. One piece had raspberry jam.  Topped with banana to make it a healthy breakfast. 

Lunch was leftover mac and cheese. I didn't pack nearly enough!!

Thank goodness for snack though. I had fruit, granola, hummus and crackers and veggies all day long.   Somehow the hummus container is almost gone?!?!

Dinner was also leftovers. My mom made us some French toast souffle this past weekend. I topped it with maple syrup and fruit. When I got done I felt like I had just finished dessert instead of dinner. Cannot say that I mind much?

Are you excited for the weekend? What did you eat Wednesday?


  1. Ooh, mac 'n cheese…haven't had that in a while (adding to menu) :)

  2. haha you are such a cutie!! I would not mind the storm too if weekend holds couch and pj's!! Your mom is an angel girl!! Such delicious french toast! Yumm.


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