
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Nursery Inspiration

We are getting closer and closer to the due date and the nursery is finally coming together. We put the crib together and finished installing the shelving in the closet this past weekend. The last major piece is the changing table. I am getting prepared for washing all of the sheets, clothes and blankets we will need for the first couple of weeks.  

Before we knew it was going to be a boy or a girl I knew I wanted a pretty neutral nursery. Once we found out it was a girl the room became a bit more feminine but still not too pink.  As we finish up our project I thought I would share some of my inspiration photos.




  1. Greys are so pretty! I probably would've done grey and teal/mint or grey and yellow if this baby had been a girl. I've got a mixture going on right now with my boy theme though. My oldest and the new baby will share a room and his stuff is a deep royal blue, so Mason's crib sheets are royal blue and his blanket is grey. But the stuff I have in my room (the playyard) and all the travel gear is mint and chocolate brown :)

  2. awww such pretty inspiration! can't wait to see the real thing

  3. Your nursery is GORGEOUS!! I love what you have done.. the neutral palette totally works and looks so elegant.


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