
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Weekend Edition: Utterly Nothing

This weekend I read a lot...Fifty Shades of Grey got me. All three books gone in less than a week.  It wasn't the best of reading but it got my attention. I think the best description would be like a soap opera. You know it is no good for you but you just cannot stop yourself. I read it at the gym on the treadmill. Time flies when you have a book like that at the gym. Let's just say my legs will thank me this summer.

Our garden has grown a lot in the last month. We have lots of flowers on the tomato plant and one little pepper already sprouting.  Something is eating my basil but I will deal with that later.

And I discovered that a new William Somona outlet moved in nearby. This is a very bad thing.

Oh bowls galore!

Here is what I have been up to in the kitchen:

What book have you read lately?


  1. Yeeahh...I need to read those books! Lol--and I wish I could join a gym, but moneyyy blahh

    1. I wouldn't be able to do one in NYC either. I almost cried when a friend told me what she was shelling out.

  2. How do you read on the treadmill?? I feel like that would be difficult. In response to your comment, they're peanut butter brownie cookies, but shhh! Don't tell!

    1. It is all about focus. Once you get used to it, its nothing. Plus I am not reading any grand novels here. Oh yummy cookie!

  3. Reading is the best! I am literally addicted to any new book which comes out so remind me to try out the grey book - I love drama :P
    Hope you had a great weekend my friend!


    1. Those books are certainly full of drama!


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