Before I begin I wanted to shameless plug my new favorite food - egg on a pizza. I made this Tuesday night for the first time with the leftover pizza dough. Jordan wasn't around so I was able to try something a bit daring. He is adventurous but I think this might have been crossing the line. Anyway, I first heard of eggs on a pizza when I was about 18 on vacation with the family in France. They put some strange things on pizza in France. At this point I was completely utterly disgusted. Flash forward to this year when I discovered oven cooked eggs in tomato sauce. Left with the options of eating by myself for two nights in a row, I jumped at having the previously mentioned egg dish. But the weather was 90 degrees and this egg dish takes at least 20 minutes in a 375 degree oven and then is piping hot to eat. Perfect for wintertime but not so much in hot, humid New York. Grant it, the pizza still cooks in the oven but for some reason that did not bother me. Anyway, my pizza was simply cheese with two eggs cracked on top. It was delicious and easy. Its a new favorite. Now on to the post...
Jordan recently bought a one month pass for a driving range allowing him to hit as many buckets of balls for 30 days at one low price. And hit he has. Determined to get the most bang for his buck everyday after work he drops me off at the gym and goes to hit his balls. Now, I am really lucky because up until this month the norm was for me to go to the gym after work and Jordan to go to the apartment. By the time I get back from my work out dinner is cooked and on the table. Normally we are dining by 6:45ish. Pretty sweet deal huh?
The golf has gotten in the way of my sweet deal. Now Jordan picks me up from the gym (its on the way to and from the golf place) at 6:45. We get to the apartment by 7 and start dinner together. We eat at 7:30pm, if I pre-cut and prepped the meal in the morning. By the time dishes are done and I am all cleaned up for the night it is after 8pm and I am exhausted. This is probably more of the natural course for most couples nowadays and by that I mean eating late. For me, though 8pm means night and winding down. I am a morning person through and through. The point of all of this though is we have done this for two weeks now and although not the preference it is our choice. Things got more hectic and we still cook.
Anyway...food for thought!