This recipe was adapted from a special drink served at L'Escoffier restaurant in the CIA Hyde Park campus from a graduating senior Stephanie. Not only is it refreshing and yummy, the colors are perfect for any kind of Fourth of July celebration.
Ketal One Vodka
Cremant d'Alsace
Wedge of Lime

Since I don't want to trump a special concoction from an up and coming chef I will give a brief variation of the recipe she so graciously shared.
Mix two parts of each liquor with one part sugar. Mush berries with sugar and put in bottom of glass. Pour combined vodka and cremant and pour over berry mixture. Add lime juice.
The Cremant d'Alsace is a regional sparkling wine that quite frankly I had never heard of until this recipe. It took my mother some Internet searching to determine what exactly it was and then another search to actually obtain a bottle through special order. Of course this was done in the state of Maine so sometimes the extra steps are not necessary if you are in a more sophisticated location.
Happy Fourth of July!!
Warning: Two of this drink is one too many. Consider yourself forewarned.
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