Thursday, June 9, 2016


I was in Florida three different times in May. More than half the month. In three different locations.  Florida is fun but also hot. Maybe I can have a month in Florida again come December.

Gardening.  We set up our home garden, pots and two more beds at the office. I think we did a good job mixing veggies and herbs. Plus early producing veggies and some for later in the season.  We will be eating well.

Miss O likes to help out in the gardens too. We are still working on the concept of being gentle to the plants, keeping the dirt inside of the bed and the mulch out.

Red Sox.  We didn't make it to a game last year. This was the first year in quite a few years that we didn't go to a game. It was missed for sure but we were busy enjoying our little one. This year we decided try it out with Miss O.

This went well at the game but I think she liked the ducks better.

What have you been up to lately?

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