Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 5 Birthday Wishes!

This year I am turning 27.  Wow!  I don't really feel old, just more and more adult every day.  I am one of those people who LOVES, LOVES, LOVES birthdays!  I think that you should enjoy your day of birth no matter how old you are, in fact, I have been known to celebrate the whole month.  Now, my birthday is not till September.  Yep, I am already getting ready for it, don't laugh!  So for all the lovely people out there who might consider celebrating by bestowing me with some presents.  Here are the top 5 I am eyeing:

1. Monogram mug from Anthropologie.  An E of course!

2. I saw this sign on Etsy awhile ago and fell in love.  I need it on my wall.  Its from The Steel Fork and they make all sorts of cool things.

3. Canon Rebel.  This is my biggy!  I cannot draw for the life of me, but I can take pictures.  My old camera is about 7 years old and let's just say it is time for an upgrade.

4.  "I'm leaving on a jet plane"  Yep, that is me singing. Don't I have a lovely voice? OK I don't want a plane but I do want to take several trips this fall and well plane tickets are damn expensive right now.  How is it possible that a flight from Connecticut to Chicago is about $40 more than a flight to San Francisco?  My logic says that 1/2 across the country should be 1/2 the price. 

5.  I have been pretty good lately about cookbooks.  And this one could be my downfall but I still want it.  I want it bad.  Its from a bakery in Brooklyn, NY and they make some mad baked goods.  Williams-Sonoma sells their box mixes but why get something like that when this cookbook allows you to make your own.  I am drooling already!

To find more Friday Fives visit Living like the Kings

Do you go all out for your birthday?

What is the biggest gift you ever wanted for a present?


  1. This is a great birthday list - I actually just got a friend the anthropologie mug. I like your blog and look forward to following you!

  2. awesome list! Is Jordan reading your blog?

  3. Great birthday list! Mine would include a lot of the same things!

    New to your blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  4. I love birthdays too. Any chance to have presents and cake, I'm there.

  5. Happy very early birthday! Agreed, awesome list. My roommate has one of the monogram mugs and I always get so jealous of her....always sitting there with her little 'C' cup sipping on her breakfast tea.

    And ooooh the cookbook. I've seen it floating around lately, how could you say no to a cookbook with a lovely cover like that? It may just be my inner pyro seeing the meringue and wanting an excuse to use a blowtorch, but man putting a picture like that convinced me to buy it hands down.

  6. Great list!! I would not mind getting a new camera... and some plane tickets! :)

    I think it should be mandatory that employer's give employees their birthday-Day off...and it should be paid!

  7. I almost bought a DSLR this weekend. I've got my eye on a package deal with 2 lenses at Sams club. I almost have Ulys convinced it's the best deal :)


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